From a United States perspective. I would join the Coast Guard or the Navy and see the world. While serving 10 to 15 years I would get a college degree online. Then I would get a teaching certificate to finish out my work life and settle down.
I am 65 now and in hind sight, I did all right having an "Awake magazine" equivalency education. But I would not recommend that to anyone in this day and age.
If you go into the service aka Coast Guard, Navy at 18 your pension starts then. If you stay in public service as a public school teacher your pension continues so you will have 35 years of work in by the time you are 53.
Then you will be free to do whatever you want or work some more.
I have been retired since I was 59 and within limits I can do whatever I want. If I had 10 million dollars I would not do things much different. I play soccer 4 to 5 times a week and play my guitar and make music every day.
If I had millions of dollars, I might drive a Porsche instead of a Toyota and I might live in a mansion instead of a cottage. But the mansion would not be anymore comfortable and the Porsche would not get me there any faster or better.
You have to do the speed limit.
I eat as good as I want, which most of the time is vegetables and grains. That wouldn't change if I had 100 million dollars. I might have somebody cook it for me. But then what would I do?